Note the moulding of the door around the handle to accommodate the door lock that was featured only on the left hand door. This was of course the drivers door for LHD cars which accounted for 90% of production

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 Being such an
early example of the BN4 series, having Body number 326, Rich found an eager
customer who was keen to have them restore it and have some fun researching
its earliest details to get it all `right`

Longbridge BN4`s had master brake and clutch cylinders similar to those of the 100s. They are clearly visible in this photo
 Mechanically it was mostly there though the early gallery cylinder head had
been changed out for a later one.

Most of its smaller bits were still there
such as windscreen, sliding hood bows, full dashboard and instrumentation
and the rest of what was missing could certainly be sourced.
 The chassis assembly was too
far gone to reuse, though the main bulkhead, upper cowl structure and the inner front diagonal bracing was all okay.

Portions of the rear inner cowl
structure could be salvaged, and that was about all.
Not a pretty sight!
Rich found the car, or what remained of it, nearby to his workshop in 2007. 

It came with
front and rear shrouds suffering from typical electrolytic corrosion, its
original doors, though bad with rust, were saveable but all the rest of the body panels
were either missing or rotted beyond repair.

Restoration - The original car